World Wonder “Miracle Water”

Miracle water that claimed to cure health problems is found in various countries in the world. These locations include Lourdes France, Tlacote Mexico, Nordenau Germany, Hita Japan, and Hunza Pakistan.
But, what does these healing water have in common?

What are the elements inside these water that give them healing properties?
According to Dr. Sanetaka Shirahata (Graduate School of Genetic Resources Technology, Kyushu University), the so-called miracle healing water all contains Active Hydrogen (atomic hydrogen) and Hydrogen (molecular hydrogen) in water. The healing effect is the result of the health benefits of drinking Hydrogen Rich Water.

France – Lourdes Miracle Water

Location: The spring at The Shrine of Lourdes in Southern FranceDiscovered by A young girl visitor: More than 5 million a year healing Report: more than 3,670 cases a year doctors confirmation: Have therapeutic effect, but can’t be explained.

The Spring at the Shrine of Lourdes

Lourdes Water is water that comes from the miraculous spring at the Shrine of Lourdes in Southern France. This spring gushed forth miraculously on February 25th, 1858 when Bernadette scratched the soil on which she was kneeling. Since then the water from this spring has been instrumental in granting countless miraculous cures and is known the world over as Lourdes Water. 9th November 2002, Japan’s TBS TV program name USO, they bring the Lourdes miracle water to Japan Kyushu University for Dr. Sanetaka Shirahata Laboratory to analyze. The analysis report found that it is rich in ACTIVE HYDROGEN contained in the water.

Mexico – Tlacote Miracle Water

Location: Northern MexicoDiscovered by Jesus ChahinVisitors: More than 8 million a year healing Report: More than 3,673 person doctor's confirmation: Montevideo General HospitalUsage: 2 – 3 liters a day

The capital of Mexico, from “Mexico City” at about 300km north, there is a place called “Tlacote” a small village, the village has found that “has a spring contained strange power”.Every day has about a thousand people from all countries, and the famous former NBA star “Magic Johnson” has also assisted with the water of its AIDS treatment.

Back in 2000, Japanese television’s “special order of 200X ” program, they the water to Kyushu University for Dr. Sanetaka Shirahata Laboratory to analyze. The analysis report found that it is rich in ACTIVE HYDROGEN contained in the water. This water is powerful in “healing function”.

Germany – Norudenau Miracle water

Location: Germany, Norudenau MiracleDiscoverer: Dr. GadekVisitor approved: 540 personsHealing Report: 515 persons have significant improvements in disease due to the water contains ACTIVE HYDROGEN rich water.

Healing water in Germany

After the miraculous healing well in Mexico, another healing water source has been found, in Germany, 100 km east of Dusseldorf. A spring of very pure water, it was discovered in a cave in a disused slate mine at Nordenau, district of Schmalenberg, a popular ski resort.

Guido Brandenburg interviewed some of the pilgrims for the German newspaper Bild. An old woman told him that after covering her blind eye with the water, she can now see; an ex-miner said his back was healed and he has thrown away his crutch. Another woman said: “I always had problems with high blood pressure and was afraid of collapsing. I went to the grotto with my pressure from 160 to 100. I came out with 130 to 100. Now the blood pressure is constant, a fact which my doctor cannot explain.”

Brandenburg, the Bild reporter, described what happened when he drank the water while standing in the energy zone: “After five minutes my fingertips vibrated,” he said. “I felt as if an electric current flowed through me.” Japan Kyushu University, Dr. Sanetaka Shirahata Laboratory analyzed the water. The analysis report found that it is rich in ACTIVE HYDROGEN contained in the water.

Japan – Hita

Hita city is located at a high-level of Chikugo River, where is famous of the name water which is also famous as a Hita beauty. The Miracle water is sprang out from deep well where Mr. Ishii dug a thousand hundred meters for the nurturing eel. Mr. Ishii operates the gasoline station and the nurturing eel industry at the middle of Island in where is Misumi River became two Middle states, and Island in.
Mr. Ishii proved his water by his experience that his eyesight was declining by his pigment degeneration of the retina, but became well, by water and also his diabetes became better. At the same time, the neighbor drank his water and reported blood presser became low and topic dermatitis became well. Hearing all this, there are many people came to drink this miracle water and water became famous.
According to the analysis of Shirahata professor, “the Hita Tenryou” water contains ACTIVE HYDROGEN that heals the illness.

Pakistan – Hunza

One of the longest-lived race of people in the world are called the Hunza. These people, located in northern Pakistan, are found in several high-altitude mountain valleys. Many Hunza claims to be 150 years old; many others are documented centenarians (over age one hundred). For many years, scientists have pondered the mystery of what makes them so healthy, for they rarely suffer the diseases the rest of us know so well. Some researchers are beginning to believe that the Hunza miracle derives from the water that they drink. The mountain water that flows into the Hunza villages comes from the surrounding glaciers.
Structured hexagonally, this water is filled with mineral solutes, and it tests out to have the highest rate of dissolved ACTIVE HYDROGEN concentration which acts as a high value of powerful Anti Oxidant. Japan Kyushu University, Dr. Sanetaka Shirahata Laboratory analyzed the water. The analysis report found that it is rich in ACTIVE HYDROGEN contained in the water.


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